Why you are in the dark ages if you are not utilizing Social Media

1. You’re not connecting with your demographic.

Given the choice… are you going to purchase something from a stranger, or are you going to your local specialty store and talk it up with the sales associate who knows your name?

2. Do you have and idea of what’s cool? 

Trends live and die online. Social Media has many platforms to help you know if you product or service is dead in the water. Business owners and product managers can use social media to listen to customer feedback.  If you don’t have an understating of your customer’s needs, you don’t really know how to market to them.

3. Keep a watchful eye.

It’s common practice to always keep an eye on what your competitors are doing — is it not? Then start following them on social media! See what your competitors are up to is a great indicator of what you might be missing. Staying on top of their strategies allows you to stay one step ahead.

4.You’re missing out on countless sale opportunities.

Everyone uses social media in some form or another, and their main function is to ”connect” with their interests. If you’re not there to take a swing at offering them your product, someone else is.

5.Reputation or lack of online presence.

We now live in the digital age. Its inevitable, and unfortunately your participation is required. It’s time to start taking serious steps to securing your online presence in all appropriate mediums, including social media platforms.

Did you know that if Facebook was a country, it would be third largest in the world? It’s time… 



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