Social Media


Restoration company marketing 101

Let’s face it, the emergency restoration service industry is highly competitive. From mom and pop businesses to global franchises, every emergency restoration business owner is struggling to find work. In light of the industry’s increasing competitiveness, an effective and robust marketing plan is vital. Once you establish your business, utilizing smart marketing tactics becomes necessary Continue reading »

Why Facebook is a MUST for B2B

After speaking with many business owners and management teams over the last couple of years I’ve heard the same thing, “we are selling B2B so Facebook is not where we should be focusing our marketing or social media strategy”. Many of you selling in the Business-to- Business (B2B) space may be thinking the same thing,

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Why you are in the dark ages if you are not utilizing Social Media

1. You’re not connecting with your demographic. Given the choice… are you going to purchase something from a stranger, or are you going to your local specialty store and talk it up with the sales associate who knows your name? 2. Do you have and idea of what’s cool?  Trends live and die online. Social Media has

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